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BDNW Issue - 6
Latest Big Data news
#6 - November 21, 2018 Curated news, articles and Books related to Big Data.

How Big Data Will Be a Driving Force for 5GThe 4G network is familiar to most people who use mobile devices, but now many people are excited about the promise of 5G — a next-generation network capable of blazing-fast speeds and virtually no latency, among other benefits.Will Cryptocurrency Transform Your Future?There is no doubt that cryptocurrencies are here to stay. It doesn’t matter what anyone tries to do to stop them they will at some point in time have a much more significant role to play than merely being an investment opportunity.The 10 Insanely Useful Internet Of Things Products You Must Try!Internet of Things (IoT) is the next frontier in technology and the core component bringing industrial revolution across the globe. It is entirely redefining how we use apps, devices and how people interact and connect with each other.Will AI Kill the Data Scientist?Long before data science became "a thing," I trained as a "real" scientist, researching arcane and less-than-world-changing topics in physical chemistry. At the heart of that work was data, collected mostly manually during late-night experimental runs in a 1970s lab.The Kinds of Data Scientistdata scientist “the sexiest job of the 21st century”. It is also, arguably, the vaguest. To hire the right people for the right roles, it’s important to distinguish between different types of data scientist.How Machines Make Sense of Big Data: an Introduction to Clustering AlgorithmsTake a look at the image below. It’s a collection of bugs and creepy-crawlies of different shapes and sizes. Take a moment to categorize them by similarity into a number of groups.Flink SQL for powerful querying of data streams and data at restApache Flink has had SQL for a while, but it recently added a CLI for running and executing queries. This post covers how to define the schema of a data source, run a query, and create a view of streaming data.How We Built a Cost-Based SQL OptimizerThe Cockroach Labs blog has a post on their effort to build a cost-based optimizer for their database. It includes a quick intro to cost based optimizers and describes some of the implementation details, including their DSL for transforming query plans.A blockchain in 200 lines of codeThe basic concept of blockchain is quite simple: a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records. However, it is easy to get mixed up as usually when we talk about blockchains we also talk about the problems we are trying to solve with them.Data Engineer? Here’s a Comprehensive List of Resources to get StartedThis article is a comprehensive list of the core technologies, skills, and concepts (with links to more details on each) that are sufficient to become a data engineer. It also has a good contrast of data scientist and data engineer as well as the types of specialization within the data engineering profession.Graduate Programs in Big Data Analytics and Data Science:Huge demand for Big data, Analytics, Data Mining, and Data Science. Colleges and Universities are starting to notice the demand for employees with data science skills. Most of the programs are not named data science, but they all focus on producing data people. Below are some Big data online programs and online courses. Books Big Data Science & Analytics: A Hands-On Approach We are living in the dawn of what has been termed as the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", which is marked through the emergence of "cyber-physical systems" where software interfaces seamlessly over networks with physical systems, such as sensors, smartphones, vehicles, power grids or buildings, to create a new world of Internet of Things (IoT). Programming Hive: Data Warehouse and Query Language for Hadoop Need to move a relational database application to Hadoop? This comprehensive guide introduces you to Apache Hive, Hadoop’s data warehouse infrastructure. You’ll quickly learn how to use Hive’s SQL dialect—HiveQL—to summarize, query, and analyze large datasets stored in Hadoop’s distributed filesystem. For a detailed list of books covering Big data Data Science, Machine Learning, AI and associated programming languages check out our big data books page. Want to reach our audience / fellow readers? Consider sponsoring - grab a spot now. Big Data | Hadoop News | AI | ML | NoSQL | Education | IoT | Cloud